Sunday, December 26, 2010

Where Is Kirkleigh Somerset


Enzo Di Meo deals especially for achieving the development objectives of maintaining quality standards set and shared with the company planning to market in terms of sales, profitability, competitiveness, image and customer satisfaction through effective coordination of all marketing functions.

Enzo Di Meo creates and manages a portfolio of services, creating the innovations needed to keep the range the company competitive and responsive to consumer expectations. The real estate

Enzo Di Meo has developed its knowledge and acquired the know-how to develop communication, trade and productive, and also given the solid financial culture, can be able to interpret changes in advance market.

Enzo Di Meo over the years has completed several major initiatives in the real estate buying and selling land, hotels, factories and real estate in Abruzzo, always following the same steps: buy well - value - sell .

activity that requires capital, access to credit and financial partners. In 2005, with a large budget package Enzo Di Meo able to win only five apartments in Giulianova € 55,000.00 in the same year and manages to acquire a factory of 3000 square meters in the province of Pescara, not to mention the € 217,000 scored big hit with the purchase of 'Hotel Sporting Giulianova and other various operations and building high-performance all subsequently resold.

This activity could start, especially after the first obtaining the initial capital and access to credit explains Enzo Di Meo '' from where I started to build the business further, again based on the mechanism of the purchase and resale property.''

Today she runs independently of Real Estate Investment Company Important and is always attentive and constantly search properties that are going to end up at auction and it is clear that when he is able to intervene before the auction prices are even more 'convenient.
This procedure is called in jargon and EXTRACT ' enabling all people to be able to purchase any type of property with a mortgage.
"highlights what 'because until recently,' this kind of business was only for those with cash and then was cut off many people .

Below are answers to 56 questions from readers of the blog so if you have any questions or simple curiosity about the real estate auctions will answer in a few hours: @ enzo.dimeo1

1. Who can 'take part in a judicial auction and what' s the procedure to participate?
Can 'anyone to participate, with the exception only the debtor. Must submit an application for participation as stipulated by the judge and delegate to the court of jurisdiction.

2. I would be interested in buying the apartments at auction, what are the important things to occur and under what terms should I pay attention?
There are no special precautions to be taken in case of purchase at a public auction because it is sufficient to do so with the diligence which is normally used in cases of purchasing a property or any other major purchase.
In fact, the sale by public auction is subject to the same conditions and taxes (indirect taxes) of a market purchase (use of facilities for your first home, for example), without the costs that normally applies for the notary deed of the property because the transfer is done by decree by the court of enforcement.
In particular, is substantial:
locate the area where you want to live (where the property is built);
check the status of the apartment;
estimate a maximum budget of expenditure (the maximum value reached in the case of auction raises);
whether to use a loan, first check with the bank that we are the chosen conditions.
a) So, before deciding whether to participate in an auction should carefully read the legal appraisal of the property and the order of sale issued by the enforcement court to determine what the property, storage conditions, the state rental, etc.. and asked to examine the property, where there was the custodian, the clerk of the performances in real estate.

3. Must have cash to participate in a judicial auction?
No, the courts do not accept cash, cashier's checks, but only non-transferable.

4. What are the procedures to be played by the lawyer for an auction at auction? in particular, what is the procedure for publishing gional?
is difficult to answer without having full knowledge of issues. From the questions I understand that this is the office of the creditor. If so, the reference standards are those contained in Articles. 555 and following of the Code of Civil Procedure governing the matter from foreclosure.
Institutionally, after foreclosure, the creditor is responsible for the enforcement court is requested to proceed with the sale of the property, enclosing the documents required by art. 567 CPC and then those obligations related to the sale of the boundaries that the minutes of proceedings and executive orders issued by the enforcement court. About
advertising, the same is normally prepared by the enforcement court, that can send to the creditor (and then to the attorney) the formalities of publication of the extract as given on the publication such as newspapers do.
Operationally, prepared on the basis of the order for sale of land records and an excerpt for publication, you must apply directly to the agency that handles the advertising in the newspapers designated court or directly to providers or newspapers for publishing on the internet.

5. Must necessarily be present during an auction?
Absolutely not, releasing power of attorney, you will be represented by one of our office.

6. What is the percentage to be paid immediately?
The percentage is indicated in the order of sale and can vary from a minimum of 10% to a maximum of 60%.

7. I am interested in participating in an auction sale of real estate with charm. My question concerns the share of 15% to be paid to the court along with the deposit of 10% this 15% share of such costs does it cover? Bearing in mind that the eventual transition from real estate owners can estimate how the court will retain and how much should return?
15% required to cover expenditure for taxes on the purchase (register and / or VAT, mortgage and land). The difference is returned after payments involved. The estimate is on the buyer-supplier situation. In fact, if this is the first house tax will be 4% (1% registry, 3% mortgage and land), 10% in other cases (7% registry, 3% mortgage and land). Then there are modest fees for copies and stamps. The difference will be refunded.

8. In order to participate in an auction bankruptcy estate with charm I need to know:
if checks to be deposited should be made payable to the 'Real Estate Office executions "without any indication of the city' or other;
if the deposit of waste and demand in legal paper can 'be made in the Court of ... ... ... ... ... ... .. on Saturday mornings or Monday through Friday only. About
header checks, I believe it can add the No Procedure of the Executive Office and the year executions Estate PE 409/2000), although it should be valid as prescribed in the advertisement header, and for filing at the Registry, this is also open on Saturdays which then becomes day for the filing of petitions and requests to participate.

9. If a person participates in an auction and if the award will still incur costs?
If not the only award costs are made up of a revenue stamp affixed to the instance as the securities are returned generally suffered. Joint account for the good of winning the auction is necessary that all co-holders participated in the race unless it is buying between spouses under the joint estate.

10. I wanted to have information on costs that are sustained over the auction price (notaries, taxes, etc.) and the relevant amounts, not the exact figures, I imagine, are variable, but have a pretty good idea.
costs which affect the real estate sale the buyer shall consist of registration tax (alternatively the value added tax), mortgage and land. The tax rates vary depending on whether the first house or other dwelling and are: the first log house, mortgage and land 4% as an alternative, and 4% VAT registration, mortgage and cadastral fixed (€ 129.11 for tax) other log home, mortgage and land 10% alternatively 10% VAT and registration, mortgage and land at a fixed rate (€ 129.11 for tax) commercial or industrial property registry, mortgage and land 10% alternatively 20% VAT and registration, mortgage and land at a fixed rate (€ 129.11 for tax) to sales there are no other charges judicial relief, since there are no legal fees and other expenses since the cancellation of the registration transcripts and injurious (mortgages, liens, etc.). for the seller.

11. If awarded, how long do I have to pay the final price of purchase?
Time is set in the order for sale and can vary from 30 to 60 days.

12. E 'possible to visit the property prior to auction?
is usually in the 'order of a guardian or there, but in the event of bankruptcy auction, you can do after specific authorization of the court.

13. I know that in most cases, real estate auctions are not visionabili.Mi wonder how you can know the status?
E 'should be allowed a serious professional, the square can to assess the property and the subject of being advised at best.

14. What happens if the property I bought at auction, it appears to be busy?
If the property is occupied with valid title, the same becomes enforceable, therefore, the contractor will comply with the standards that regolano.Se instead is occupied without title, after the issuance of the decree awarding the property , you can perform the evacuation. The lead times vary from 90 to 150 days from first notification.
winning a regular contract with property occupied what must be done with the tenant, when you own and feels the rent?
If we become owners of a property occupied by the lease enforceable because the procedure was concluded prior to foreclosure, the rent becomes attributable to the contractor from the date of the transfer decree that is issued by the court after the execution the payment of the price and costs. It should be noted that with the seizure, according to the prevailing case law, the lease is automatically canceled order and, therefore, if you want to proceed with the lease should a new contract, while it would still be necessary to provide the tenant to pay the running of rent and its intentions regarding the contract.

15. What can I do if I find the time of delivery of the substantial damage caused by unknown, which the curator had never done word?
Unfortunately can not do much because the procedure sells real estate in the state of fact and law in which they are seen and liked. Make this the fact that the curator was certainly not aware of and may give some indication on the previous occupants to act against them.

16. When you delete mortgages and foreclosures are levied on the property?
Cancellation will occur after the balance of money at the expense and responsibility of the buyer.

17. I want to know in which cases it is possible to see a house to buy at auction, where the apartment is occupied, what is the procedure for evacuation of the building. In the bank advised me to buy an apartment burdened by mortgages, porebbe clarify the meaning of this point (if the auction, the mortgage or foreclosure are not always present? ). may recommend in such cases it is better not to buy for the reasons mentioned above?
The property to be sold at auction can be viewed only by some courts, asking the custodian (or trustee in bankruptcy) if specified in the advertisement, or the clerk of the court.
If the apartment is occupied depends on whether there is a valid (the contract must be registered before the seizure). If the contract is enforceable, the property is sold and occupied at the end it will be necessary to seek legal action to secure the release of the premises, and if the contract is not enforceable (after contract execution or unregistered) of the Decree of the property transfer is Enforcement for the release of the premises. In the latter case the time to get the local free range from 6 to 8 months by the command (notice to vacate the premises within a fixed period).
All property sold in execution procedures are seized and very often affected by mortgages. But, however, the property is sold by public auction free of mortgages, foreclosures or other, and the decree of transfer (equal to the notarial deed) contains the order to the registrars to cancel real estate mortgages and foreclosures recorded in the object .
Buying a property at auction at the court is always buying a valuable asset that must be carefully assessed in each part. When buying at public auctions of property subject to seizure of property or property of bankrupt enterprises, there is never a risk of buying a property mortgaged or attached to the procedure for public sale of the property free from all liens and burdens members (d 'other part of what would be if the mortgage lender who works for the seizure and sale of the mortgage on the property well maintained the same?).

18. I would like to participate in an auction relating to a property occupied by the following characteristics: a contract entered into before the time of seizure, but subsequently recorded. I can not rely on the enforceability in the event that will become the owner?
believe that the non-enforceability of the contract the enforcement proceedings must first be recognized by the court in the advertising and then in the issue of transfer decree, which must have given the order to dislodge the occupant without title. Only at this point, by precept, can claim the unenforceability of the contract.

19. My store went at auction for various reasons. I need to know a bank or a finance company that can help me in regaining the store.
I did not understand if it went to auction its store properties or his shop where he works under a lease or other commercial activity. The fact is important because, if the owner can require by law, the conversion of the attachment in the payment of a sum (the instance to ask the court to attach a bank draft of 1 / 5 of the debt claimed by creditors who have law have taken place attachment). The remaining amount to fully cover the debt (4 / 5) and court fees must be paid in about 9 months. The executive is prohibited from participating in the tender for the sale of your property, why not find any bank that can fund this purchase would be illegal. Another thing is if you own the lease of a shop that is the subject of repossession. In this case it may apply to the banks listed in the advertisement, for example, the Court of Monza in the Corriere della Sera, where the banks have indicated agreement with the court and start a negotiation with them.

20. I want to know to load Who is the cancellation fee of mortgages on a property being auctioned
Paid by the procedure, because the property is sold free of any encumbrances.
21. Let me know if me and my girlfriend can buy at an auction of real estate and property cointestato? Just that the application is made by both?
What you say is correct, as is necessary for the Joint account:
a) when submitting their application for participation in the sale;
b) participate with the hearing fixed by the court (either one of you can participate with authority in special Notary).
22. I would like to participate in an auction Property of the Court of ... ... ... ... ... ... If I won the auction, how and by what procedure can I get a mortgage?
order to get a mortgage on a property to buy at a public auction should move in time and prepare all necessary documentation and to make the inquiry to the bank prior to auction. Once you have the consent of the bank's highest focused and lead times required for the disbursement of the loan, the bank is necessary to define the mode of delivery, or if he will make a pre-financing or if the mortgage has to be contextual in order to transfer . The process of granting the decree of contextual transfer requires attention to three (court, bank and supplier) that is rather laborious and, therefore, you should make sure in advance that there are no problems.

23. What can I do if at the time of possession of the property, I do not like?
sell it! The real estate auction are sold in the state of fact and law.

24. Monthly expenses not paid by the executive, which are often highlighted in the appraisals, they are dependent on who wins the property?
The law provides that service charges for the buyer-supplier jointly liable with the seller-enforcement costs for the current year and those of the previous year. This means that the administrator of the building regardless of the procedure or may request the contractor-owner to meet expenses, unless the latter's right to intervene in enforcement proceedings and claim a refund.
investigating the year (calendar year or year condominium there are divergent interpretations of case law, even if the orientation is now considered in what year the annuity provided for in Regulation of the condominium.

25. I would like clarification on the actual mode judicial auction if the auction without charm.
The auction process is very simple: the day limit, the enforcement court opened the hearing accompanied by the Registrar at the time agreed in the order (schedule also appears on advertising) and calls himself inside and outside the classroom interested participants to the property " 9.00 hours away ........ properties of Monza. " Interested persons who have submitted tenders appear before the judge and the state motto "written on the envelope that is extracted from all envelopes received by the audience that day, open and controlled in every part. If everything is done according to the instructions, the court admits the bidder. In the event that multiple bidders were the court admits them to the sale and start the race during which he won the property the highest bidder. The race takes place during the time fixed by three electronic candles that run on the computer screen in the classroom. Become a contractor who later saw his offer through the three candles no other offers. For a better understanding of the procedure, since the hearings are public, why not go to court in one of the days in which hearings are held for sale to browse?

26. I would like to know how to spell with judicial auction.
It 's the classic race that is held upward by a court or in the office of a notary public appointed by him. He who has applied for participation can offer, when the court opens the charm, the price affordable to him, respecting the minimum expected upside from the order for sale.

27. It 's true that there are companies like yours who treat the purchase of the property during the spell, without the person concerned is this?
Yes, just give the right attorney.

28. A property auction can be purchased before the spell?
Yes, given that must be paid all the debts imposed on the property and request the termination of the procedure.

29. If the breach is unable to pay its debts and then to redeem your property, you may participate in the auction for groped to recover?

No. 30. What do you mean auction desert?
If the date of the auction there are no bidders, then it is said that the auction is deserted.

31. When at auction there is only one bidder to participate in the award of the property, what happens?
In these cases, the bidder wins the property temporarily with the base price plus the minimum raise, provided the order for sale.

32. It 's true that we must wait 10 days to make sure that the property has been awarded?
Yes, because you can make use of Art. 584 of the Civil Code which provides that any person may, for auction took place within 10 days, a higher bid of at least 1 / 6 of the allotment price. In this case the judge decides to refix date for a second spell.

33. I know that you can submit within 10 days after the auction bid amount to 1 / 6 of the hammer price and that the judge in this case will set a new date for the spell. Instead, what I want to know is if the base bid price will change.
It starts from the price of provisional award more an increase of 1 / 6.

34. My house is gone at auction for several reasons. I have in some of the money but not enough to pay off the debt with my creditori.Vista my position, no bank is able to disburse a loan. The thing that I ask is if I can the mortgage payable to my son and ask for the remaining amount that I need not to lose the property?
It is possible if there is every reason to allocate.

35. Can a lending institution to finance the purchase of a property, awarded with a rod or expropriation of property? How (what is the procedure), without prejudice to the viability successful contractor, and what are the institutes?
it is possible that a bank finances the purchase of a property awarded in a public auction and some lenders have entered into agreements with courts that tend to curtail costs and interest rates. The procedures, however, varies from court to court and, dare I say, from situation to situation, so the most used tools are: whether there is capacity
sheet supplier, with a mortgage loan pre-funded (ie, pending a pre-financing mortgage itself, which will be concluded as soon as the property was transferred);
in other cases with a mortgage loan granted same issue of the decree of registration and transfer of the mortgage;
in other cases with the disbursement of a loan conditional (conditional issuance of the decree of the transfer) as you see, and how many are, however, require that the contacts with the banks to be undertaken before the decision to participate in the sale to preserve the possibility, if successful bidder to close the transaction with the payment and transfer of the property. About institutions, we are here, to specify, but we believe that you can easily find them because they are detailed in the auction that is made by courts that have concluded agreements (eg, Courier Sera for the Court of Monza).

36. A property can be auctioned 'to be redeemed before? ie 'the debtor can' solve its debt and avoid any auction? if so, the property would be relieved of any problem?
The answer to your question is yes: the debtor can pay its debts and pay off the foreclosure before the auction in many ways, including:
proceed with the conversion of the attachment (the attachment, at the request of the debtor, it is converted the payment of a sum of money equal to that necessary to pay all creditors and the costs of the procedure up to that point);
regulate their slopes with creditors separately and obtain from them, only the declaration not to make any further claim, the withdrawal from foreclosure. In this case will have to pay the costs of the proceedings if they have not been advanced by the creditor, asking that the settlement of the enforcement court.
In both cases planned by the payment of all creditors to whom enforcement avoids the auction (which is canceled because it extinguishes the seizure) and resumes the full availability of the property. In case b) must proceed with the cancellation of any registered mortgages (because he has paid all debts related to it), while, in case a) the cancellation was ordered by the enforcement court. Necessary, to avoid unnecessary costs (appraisal, advertising, etc..) Activities for the proposed time of payment.

37. I wonder if once attended an auction real estate successfully, I will the property payable to my son. It
advance if the request for participation was expressed request. In the case of minors must be submitted to the judge's authorization holder.

38. What is a credit transaction?
E 'extra judicial negotiations with the banks.

39. I would like to kindly know the meaning of the term "share of 1 / 2 undivided right to the surface"
The right surface is the property / construction and / s above the ground or in the right to build and maintain an above ground construction. Usually the right surface is consolidated inside the right to property but sometimes the properties of the soil and subsoil belong to a different subject.
Any real right (ie imposed on things, "res" in Latin) can belong to several people, including the right to build, each of them will be entitled to a share of that law that corresponds to the number of joint holders (1 / 2 if are two, 1 / 3 if they are three and so on). In his case, "½ undivided share of the surface rights" shows the partial ownership (1 / 2) by the surface rights of an indivisible good.

40. I own 1 / 12 of a building. I would like to know the path to auction such property to recover the amount due to me.
order to proceed to the sale of the property for the portion of his property must first offer a review of division following which the property is divisible if it is assigned its share and the sale will proceed in the manner he wants. However, if the property was not divisible in the absence of willingness to purchase from the other joint owners, the court shall arrange for the auction. You necessary, however, that you consult with a lawyer because they are all activities requiring the mandatory appointment of an attorney to help with.

41. The building occupied by elderly auction, without a written lease, at the time of the award must still leave the property? Yes

42. After the award of a spell and spent 10 days for the cheapest one-sixth, when the property is actually delivered?
must first make payment within the time allowed for money order for sale, you then begin the paperwork for eviction.

43. What is an auction to the bottom?
The lowest unique bid auction is a special type of auction in the dark that at the end of the time of offer, which establishes the right to purchase the one who has submitted the lowest unique bid.

44. What is the lowest unique bid?
is the offer, the auction turns out to be the one submitted by one user and the lowest among all the proposals for advanced purchase.

45. What is time to offer?
time offer is the time from the outset for each auction in which it is possible to submit an offer to purchase. It is marked by a clock in the box of each beam that keeps the time still useful (days, hours, minutes, seconds) to launch its proposed purchase.

46. You can see the offers made by other buyers at auction in progress?
No, all bids remain secret for the entire time of the offer. Only the auction you know the lowest unique bid contracting authority and identity of the purchaser of the product.

47. What has changed recently in the Real Estate Sales?
The introduction, March 1, 2006, new rules of the Code of Civil Procedure (Amended by Law 80/2005 and Law 263/2005) has started the new practice of real estate sales. Sale without charm, so far used in a residual, is now a necessary step in the clearance of the goods Stagg. The reduction in the time of the execution process (18 months between the filing of documentation ipocatastale and distribution of the proceeds) and the appointment / legal guardian of subrogation allows anyone, anywhere, to approach the judicial sales.

48. How can I be informed on an ongoing basis on the enforcement procedures related to real estate sales?
There are three information channels:
print (newspapers, magazines and any free press specialized);
the web;
the "real estate offices" of the Court, or related to (Stationery executions Estate and Building Association of Notarial judicial sales). Online
notices are published as provided by art. 490 CPC, in appropriate internet sites at least forty days before the deadline for submission of bids, or the date of the spell.

49. E 'possible to see the property you are interested in?
One of the main objectives of the reform of the procedures was to open to the public judicial sales. Results from the essential ability to see with their own eyes the goods offered. That right has been defined in terms of law with the provision (pursuant to art. co.6 560) that "The court, by order of the first paragraph establishes the manner in which the custodian must ensure that a range of interested parties to submit Purchase examine the goods for sale. " The custodian acts as the agent, informing the way forward, effort at the time of sale, the documents (order, expertise and plan) assets. On our site you can make an appointment with the caretaker: via fax, or online by filling out the form.

50. What are the time frame for compliance and how to proceed in the race?
The necessary information can be found on the order Sales (Section 490 cpcv above), the document which the court responsible for the rules to the parties involved in executive (creditor, guardian, managing the sale). In its order-type is available: the personal details of the procedure, the delegation to the Notary, or other professional. In the notice of sale shall be given: the base price for the deals, the deadline for submitting offers, the bank and number of book (can post) where to make the payment, the date and time of the hearing for the evaluation of tenders. The Judge, or his delegate to the sale, the day fixed-to-examine the presence of the bidders offered, and then proceeding according to arrangements set out below: If you only bid received and it is more than a fifth of the price base, it is fully accepted, if less than the base price plus one-fifth of the award shall be saved; dissent in the case of the creditor, the revived at auction and in case of more bids, there shall be a race with the award in favor of the highest bidder, even if the lack of participation in the race. In case of successful bidders of the property will become interim. E 'then obligatory deposit within x days after the final on the same book where the deposit is paid the remaining allotment price and the cost of the transfer; deposit the Court within the same time the receipt of payment of the balance; declare tuaresidenza or domicile in the municipality in which the court held that the sale held within three days, if represented by a solicitor, to his Chancellery identity. Failing the award becomes final name of the prosecutor.

51. Why it comes to final provisional contractor and consultant?
in sales with delight, within 10 days of the award, it is still possible to make offers to buy as long as the upper 1 / 5 the price of the award. Such offers must be submitted in the same manner of the notice original, except that the security must be equal to twice the amount paid for the race. Participants: providers increasing, the contractor, the tenderers to the previous race (provided they have completed the deposit).

52. What of the security deposit?
not having won the right, you get sent to recover the entire deposit. Just in case you have not been able to complete the process of participation, without justification, the deposit is returned at the rate of 9 / 10.

53. What happens if the payment does not occur within the time and manner specified by the court?
Judge shall declare the tenderer and pronunciation the loss of security by way of penalty: the good, and is repeated at auction if the auction price, plus the security deposit forfeited, is less than that of race / spell earlier revoked the contractor is required to pay the difference.

54.Se do not have sufficient cash how can I participate in a race, or a spell?
News of the reform. Through collaboration with the Courts banks can obtain funding assistance from mortgage.

55. When you reach the actual possession of the property awarded?
The act provides that possession of the goods is the transfer decree, by which the Judge Execution moves to the contractor expropriated the property, ordering the cancellation of the same transcripts of foreclosures and mortgages. With the decree, if not the first case, the court orders the debtor, or the custodian to release the goods.

56. How do you know if the apartments that were auctioned previous months have been awarded or not?
To learn the status of sales take place at the Registry of the court and ask the staff reports on the properties of interest. You should go with some indications that enables the tracing of property (to the limit with a copy of the newspaper which published the ad).


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