Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Baby Throat Infection Bad Cough

100,000,000 of Christian martyrs

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you need to explain to the priest-sorcerer reasons or something. He only has to perform and fulfill your request within 15 (fifteen) days from receipt of the letter. You applicant you will then receive a letter in which the priest-sorcerer said the cancellation by the sect of the Catholic Church. If the priest-magician did the smart or dumb not fulfilling the request can be reported to the Prosecutor's Office. If the sorcerer-priest parish public affiggesse shout your request SBATTEZZO CANCELLATION by the sect of the Catholic Church as a sort of ban, may be reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office with its claim for damages and may make a complaint to the courts under the Law of the Right to Privacy. The time of the witch hunt is over and the heretics! You can turn this form among your friends and family so they too will learn that just a simple sheet of paper to close forever with the bishop-priest-wizards-wizards- cardinal-tellers-Popes of the Vatican and with their "evil sect and pernicious "as stated by Josephus, Pliny the Younger and Suetonius, by removing their root causes and the power for ever, with unheard of arrogance and violence have taken alone. We understand that the event should also organize some sbattezzato-deleted a nice little party with friends with sandwiches, pastries, coffee, tea and cake. after all you get rid of an unhealthy social and psychological burden. There is cancer free of Christianity, namely Catholicism from tumor metastasis, cancer site. Merry Sbattezzo!
date: .. / .. / ....
the pastor of the parish of: ................. Address: ............. cap ..... City ..........
SUBJECT: Application pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree No 196/2003. I, the undersigned ............... , Born in ............ the ......... and a resident of ............................ , with the present application, filed under Article. 7, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 196/2003, I turn to you as head of the parish registers. Having been subjected to aa baptism in his parish me on a date unknown but presumably some time after my birth, I would be rectified data in his possession, using markup on the register of baptisms, acknowledging my clear intention to no longer be considered to be a member of the religious sect known as "Roman Catholic Apostolic Church."
I would ask that the future record date is confirmed by letter, duly signed.
point out that, in case of no or inappropriate response to this request within 15 (fifteen) days, I reserve the right, pursuant to art. 145 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, to apply to the court or to appeal to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.
declare early to give any pause for reflection or second thoughts in order, I feel that it will consider any delay as a refusal to provide the legal deadline (15 days, pursuant to art. 146 , paragraph 2, of Legislative lgsn. No 196/2003) and then immediately have recourse to the courts or the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, if you illegally record differed to a later application to the fifteenth day from receipt of this
. That, in accordance with Legislative Decree No 196/2003 (which replaced from 1 / 1 / 2004, the previously existing Law No. 675/1996), in accordance with the verdict of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data and the ruling of 9/9/1999 Court of Padua filed on 29/5/2000.

It is not authorized by communicating the content of this application to third parties that are unrelated to treatment, and warns that the delivery or disclosure to third parties of sensitive data can configure a criminal offense under Article. 167 of Legislative Decree no. No 196, 2003.

is attached photocopy of your passport.
Signature ..............





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