Friday, December 24, 2010

Lautrupphysics Of Continuous Matter


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The "Port of Shadows" urged to act when all the cattle, mice and even the cockroaches have left the barn in the vain hope of being able to stop, shut up at least a shred of detection resulted from the files Wikileaks, the childish attitude and children of those who put their hands on a few days screaming hysterically at the international conspiracy aimed to hit the country (ie the nano him lazy)?

The Guardian

goes online with the revelations of Julian Assange site: in the document stressed that in July 2009, the State Department U.S. ordered to spy on UN summits.

... I do not know, in fact we had some doubts but now we have the certainty, is certified, we are bugged by the U.S. even when we go to the toilet!

NYT cites documents also Gaddafi: it is always with his Ukrainian nurse'',''voluptuous blonde. About the Libyan leader another public document
El Pais that the''use Botox and is a true hypochondriac who makes his film all the medical checks to analyze them later with his doctors''
The Times all taken from the haste he forgot to pass the recipe variations on "Bunga Bunga"
. A very serious omission, I'll pay more so that we suspect that if they want to keep them, a mere fact linked to gluttony, to voyeurism or more?

The American journal also speaks of '
Afghanistan and specifically the half-brother of President Karzai, as defined in the mentioned file,''''drug traffickers and corrupt. Also according to the NYT, the Wikileaks documents report that the man''does not seem to understand the level of knowledge we have of its activities. We have to monitor it carefully and clearly, sending a clear message.''
Policy and Cocaine ... you will understand the novelty of at least half a century, we are aware of banditry American intelligence around the shop, the confidentiality of the discretion with which they treat cocaine unless it looks at their borders, see Mexico!

'Value''incredibly tight between the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

The documents would define''Berlusconi spokesman Putin''
. The Americans - still refers to the New York Times - have also spoken of''generous''gifts as well as agreements on energy issues.
Here the lines between the real gem: Putin ex ... really? Ex-KGB spy who has for his balls to the bag and our "beloved" Prime Minister also happy to do business with another head of state without informing Parliament, business gifts received on the colossal size and nature of which for the moment ignore all but come to the aid of our imagination (conoscendolo. ..) here is a pensatene a bit further than the "Latvian" and we guess!
must make a certain impression to discover that our foreign policy has shifted slightly in the east and words always made "tremendous friends" of the USA!
glilo Someone tell La Russa èrestato a while back ... I think ...
power of Russia's vast energy resources rather than the charm of Vladimir Putin!
Finally, the conflict in which abnormal diinteressi is "tripped" when the Premier decided underground (in respect of his affairs) to enter into business with Putin's favorite oligarch (nominee) acting a shareholder Funds with more than blacks (to Antigua) e. .. perhaps explains a certain gift gossip which is the Russian Silvio ...
A speculation of course!


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