Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bmi Chart For Women Chinese


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civil composure illustrates an "event" ... then read on ... A great show thanks to the great legend that was supported by the history behind it as Caravaggio with a definite cost to the publice funds reduced to trivial catwalk-cult 'from a dismal duo of critics licking, the first stranoto a swindler
and vain,
that Littorio Sgarbi provocative polemicist up to tap the pathological hysteria and the other unknown even a regional (...) both refused at every event to 'Foreign and still maintained by the service provided spangle the boot of the boss ... first award kicked ass by the Court of Auditors and snubbed by the art world for his frenzy (...) want to appear before the artists presenting (...) seize the chance and give accomplices and hauteur the floor to the knight raider Premier Silvio Burlesquoni the public good that is self credits "savant des choses d'art" showing in one of his most famous houses a Superman with his effigy in the garden (definitive proof of the servile coglioneria inherent in Pop Art , an irony that no one understands except the deus on duty for the acquiring self!) which is not exempt from establishing parallels surreal, grotesque, absurd, inconceivable in front of an audience of zealots in Obtuse best, the worst of the serfs covered in festive for the occasion and they agreed to give the assault unless the buffet (and you thought? not have died of starvation as they're the ones!) to the stage that guarantees the the last remnants of light reflected from the premier! Here is Milan, "Milan grand" culture in the knee, prostrate, to humiliate them ugly feet regardless of the stench of political power, a power that strumentaliza an event that sinks its roots in the identity as well as in the rich Italian history Art Heritage! And this with the world's eyes on him ... The event is
Caravaggio and they make it a political event in squalor legendary as if the blows were not enough that this government leads left and right to all the Italian cultural heritage!
culture minister resigned on grounds of manifest incompetence and hidden in shame somewhere ... .. such a Bondi disenchanted poet and lover, more than the master's hand and aesthetics, the nature or creation.

A scandal of the international dimension, the same Caravaggio if he could so realistic, people, blood, human being in his painting is turning in his grave at the thought that this jumble of swindlers are instrumentally appropriated his work as an artist. Since mafia, mafia had done it to inaugurate the event certainly Toto Riina the outcome of the event would be less harmful to the culture, the institutions of this poor country and the immense cultural heritage and cowardly slave strategies image of a policy worthy of living exclusively in the sewers! With no offense to mice ...


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