Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Survival Time With Myelodysplastic Syndrome

The Pilgrim Shadowsong

L 'Ombra is a pilgrim who travels and observes.
In his perpetual motion appears and disappears without any calculation.
One thing is certain. In the chaos of an appointment postponed to a vague future, sooner or later return.

back exhausted, with his weight, dark gray sack full of melancholy, fear, dell'Incompresione, accumulated in the Path of Solitude. And what can be walking down the path where the shadow if not the soul that created it? and where it comes from the contents of his bag if not the same restlessness?

Stanca sits ruinously in the dwelling which has started with his desire to break heavily fictitious balance created to convince us that the most terrible of lies: that in us there is something hopelessly wrong, a scarlet letter darkened only by adhering to the fees imposed by someone other than poor by us with the presumption of absolute truth .

Here begins the dance of as it should be, how he should react, the times when you should react, expressions of sadness that you should not have, of how you would improve life for the imaginary life that probably the one who pours out some pearls of wisdom, does not possess.

But if we have the courage not to listen to this, everything slowly at the end brings us back to exactly Center us at that Pellegrino Shadowsong that like all travelers looking for a few simple things: someone who can fill his thirst, someone who can tell his story to be released in part from his burdens, someone who can give him a stick to facilitate its resumption.

And one thing is certain. In the chaos of an appointment postponed to a vague future, Pellegrino, once restored, he leaves. Still bears that burden dark gray, but now, when his back is getting smaller on the horizon, it would seem really lighter.

Pellegrino good trip, at the latest possible.

Even if you already know that the date of our meeting again, will depend solely on me.


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