Public a post already written four years ago on my first blog alternative information for the topic, enough current for both the background of my blog, focusing on the Social and shadows that hide .
Good reading.
I saw an old man, I saw the eyes and lips moved to the memory of that youth spent with a rifle and a coat in the frozen wastelands of Russia, to see so many of her brothers fall in life, one after another, in a war not their own, away from both his home and from his case because "only when it happens you realize its uselessness." Thank you for having found the strength to endure cold and hunger, and to be returned to Italy to tell us about it.
I saw an old man, two fists outraged by the deaths, from abuse, theft, but the worst, when you rob them of freedom and dignity because it is the horror that you take it away, the horror of seeing the constant procession, day after day, toward the showers of "cleansing" of Auschwitz, to the torture chambers, and can do nothing.
I saw the same old jew, before the footage of torture in American prisons of Abu Ghraib, and hostages in the hands of terrorists, shaking his head in helpless in finding a story that is repeated and repeated and repeated.
I saw the elderly on a wheelchair and I saw a finger pointing to the American flag, the same flag that had taken them 60 years in Vietnam in mome "democracy" and that democracy itself has chosen to marginalize them, witness the failure of an unnecessary war. To me you won the same complaints as you did with your win, for once, the Truth.
I saw now older mothers, those arms close together, marching for the last time in Plaza de Mayo Buenos Aires in Argentina, the arms they would have liked to tighten young children "disappeared" who were opposed to the "democratic process of reorganizing the military" and that it has made to remain only shadows, were gone forever. Thanks for having resisted the mourning your child, you were one of the finest examples of motherly love.
I saw an old man, 75 year old, Lama Palden Gyatso, Tibetan, in a long hunger strike in Turin Olympics, to remind everyone that the power is presumptuous, abused, imprisoned, as it did with him for 30 years, thrown in a Chinese prison because he had opposed the employment of that government which has criticized the youth as well as censorship hour information, the truth is too uncomfortable to a system. Thank you for being stronger than the solitude of a life, because I am almost 30 years, a life.
I saw an old man from Lodi, 5days ago on the news, go daily from the road that separated the house from newsstand, a few hundred meters of escape and freedom, in steps that were well more than a walk but an affirmation of life and that means that there is still "walk" because of the way a bunch of kids under age, the daily denigrating and hit him in the absence of a worthy intellectual employment, strong in the logical group, carriers of deficiency insane. Thanks for still being released every day at home, your freedom was stronger than their cowardice.
I saw an old man dressed in white die in a white room of the Vatican, but not before he showed to the world how much we can have dignity in suffering, that life must be earned all the way till the last breath, even if it hurts, even if it makes you regret the past, even if it makes you tremble, because it is the physical weakness that becomes a force that beats even death when people do not give in . Thanks for drawing that to understand, are you still alive over his suffering, forever in our hearts.
I saw elderly, single fathers and mothers, once a young, weaned with their sweat and their sacrifices the children of today, these same children of the society that now sees the elderly as an economic loss, social inefficiency, easy prey to abuse and harassment, those relegated to the zoo in denial that the hospices. Thanks for being there again and to remind young people of today that they too one day will become elders.
Let's ask these experts life, that they have lived, meaning War, Grief, Abuse, regimes, censorship, Murder some more than others would know us better than others indicate right way to go to live a good life. Definitely better than other more "youngsters", locked up in their "white houses", to decide over life and death for a handful of money, because these are the money in comparison to a life. These "youngsters" were young, their fathers, they too old now, should have given a lot of spanking.
But many, many.
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