the script
" Each of us as a child writes a story of his life ", with a beginning, a plot of an end. This is called the Script: a life plan that is based on a dcisione taken in childhood, reinforced by parents and justified by subsequent events, culminating in a decisive choice. This decision was the best strategy for child survival in a world that felt hostile and threatening. When the adult repeats the decision in the present context, this decision probably will not be functional. It is said then that the person is in terms of how it is experienced Copione.In distinguish three types of scripts:
1 - Copycat winner: the person achieves its stated goal
2 - Copycat loser: the person does not achieves the stated objective
3 - Copycat no winner: the person not at risk, therefore, is neither a winner nor a loser, simply.
The concept of scripts has often been analyzed and discussed by various authors belonging to 'transactional analysis approach, which emphasized specific and different aspects. The first formulation of Berne, which defines the script as "a life plan that is based on a decision taken in childhood, reinforced by parents, justified by subsequent events, culminating in a decisive choice" (Berne, 1972) suffers from a historical and cultural context in which the current positivist emphasizes the relationship of cause and effect for the formulation of a postulate (Novellino 1998 ). This position, characteristic of a first phase of the thought of Berne, was later criticized for deterministic vision inherent in the allocation to an individual role of "product" instead of "producer" of the Script (Cornell, 1988). In the wake of such criticism is possible to classify the position of writers such as Erskine and Steiner. The first, in fact, stressed that the decisions "self-limiting" of the script are taken at any stage of development (Erskine, 1980), inhibiting "the spontaneity and flexibility in solving problems and in relating to others." In my clinical work using for the most part the concept of Script prepared by Gouldings (1978), although I believe essential to integrate this vision with the attention given by Stern to historical and social context in shaping and changing the position of Copione.Ritengo Gouldings much closer to my current social and historical context, specifically to the extent that the authors assign to the person an active role in the process of building the script, rather than support the idea of \u200b\u200b"self-limiting adaptation." The script is in fact defined as the result of choices that the child takes an active, "in response to orders real or imagined." I believe this to mean the recognition of the significance and individual that the person attributes to incoming messages or daydreaming during childhood, emphasizing the role of the individual, together with the context, in the process of perception and information processing. Highlight the active role of the person in the process of building a script that actually affect behavior throughout the whole of life, also gives greater importance to the possibility of change. To understand the intrapsychic processes, I often helpful in working with clients, the matrix model of scripts prepared by Claude Steiner, since it allows me to find messages injunctive, and controingiuntivi program from which the person constructs, through his reading, his life script. In this way, than to speculate that, in the past relationship, the client model from their parents' behavior and beliefs, and decisions which took itself in response to that experience.