L 'Transactional Analysis is proposed, from a methodological point of view, as a Therapy Contract as regards the conclusion of the contract as a basic prerequisite for embarking on a path of change. Berne (1966) defines the contract as "an explicit bilateral commitment to a definite course of action, emphasizing the role of mutual responsibility that therapist and client will take in pursuing a job in a shared location. He distinguishes the elements that relate to the contents of the agreement, such as the distinction of roles and responsibilities and processes, which refer to the report. According to Brown Woollams and the contract is an agreement between client and therapist that defines goals, stages and conditions of treatment. In clinical work using the contract with the aim of sharing with the client a central purpose to be achieved at the end of therapy, and on the basis of which to develop an action plan to be implemented during the therapeutic process. The concepts to which I refer mainly to the formulation the contract, are those proposed by Steiner (1974). The author points out four main components: - The mutual agreement, under which therapist and client establish the terms of the contract shall be a criterion of validity compared the agreement, as it provides a common ground within which to move to achieve a single objective. - A good remuneration, which states how each of us something of value in the relationship. Usually refers to compensation .- The economic expertise, from both the therapist and the client in relation to their professional skills for the first, and the resources to invest in a work that aims to .- A change for the second objective legal that refers to the definition of the contract in accordance with ethical principles and code deontologico.Nella wording of the contract, to be understood as a process which, although placed in the opening moments of the therapeutic course, is often subject to redefinition or more specific, stable, therefore, with the customer the change that will gain at the end of therapy, in relation to available resources. Specifically, I consider it essential not only cooperation and willingness to change, but also the assessment of the objectives in terms of accessibility. E 'to this fundamental aim to take account of space and time available, especially to' inside of a short course of therapy, by definition the setting that sets the limits of my speech. In this regard, Berne refers to "administrative and professional" as one of the criteria to be considered a valid contract to consider, as it allows the definition of common rules with respect to setting, in a manner more or less structured. The concept of "psychological," however, refers to the additional dimension of the relationship, and stresses the importance of paying attention to the most manipulative and unaware that the client uses to carry out their life script instead of choosing alternative modes of behavior. Gouldings I stress that not all contracts are acceptable, citing among them the "Contracts Parenting ", or where the client expects the change to someone else, as examples of agreements are not acceptable. In working with G. was crucial to recognize how his initial request to focus therapy on the symptom ("I would stop crying exams"), contained a further message with which he invited me to take care of her, from a parental position. Through this awareness, I have worked to redefine an AA contract, thus avoiding to accept a Parenting Contract. "In working with clients, pay attention to the" specification of the contract "in terms of behavior (Holloway and Holloway, 1973), and formulation in terms positive, clear, concrete, observable. The wording in a positive way I can help the client stay focused on what you wish for themselves, rather than the problem, as defined in clear and concrete steps allows me to monitor the intermediate events. The comparison between objective and observable progress initial reinforcement also provides the customer with respect to the motivation for change, building self-confidence and therapeutic work. During the process of drafting the contract I believe is essential to follow a structured in stages and finalized negotiations with my client. The subdivision proposed by Holloway and Holloway (1973) is an important reference point for such work. The authors distinguish five stages in the determination of the contract: The first step is to "clarify the intentions of the two sides, with the aim of exploring the guidelines of both. They are then identified the "mutual interests" to distinguish the change request from a customer's expectation of no change related to the underlying script. During the "specification of the contract," working to define what and how they change. Finally, in the early stages of "exploration," "clarification" and "statement" is made cambiamento.Mi is useful to distinguish between the Agreement and the Social Control Autonomy Agreement (Holloway and Holloway, 1973). The first is usually used during an initial phase of therapy, the second hand, refers to 'exit from the script.
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