Saturday, March 1, 2008

Samples Of Visual Merchandiser Cover Letter

Copycat model of ego states in transactional analysis

A Member Ego is a collection of thoughts, behaviors and emotions interconnected through which each of us manifests an aspect of their personality in a given momento.Tre are Ego States according to the AT:

1 - Parent ego-state (G): 's set of behaviors, thoughts and emotions that manifest at a given time, copied from our parents. (If, for example. In certain circumstances, I tend to worry about the other showing a protective behavior, as well as my parents were with me as a child, it is said that in such circumstances "are in a Parent ego state).

2 - Adult ego-state (A): together on the behaviors, and emotions peniseri that manifest in relation to what is happening around us in the here and now, using the resources available to such adults.

3 - Child ego state (B): the set of behaviors, thoughts and emotions that we used when we were kids and now re-use by adults. (If, for example. I cry in front of the reproach of my employer for a delay, just like I did as a child in front of the reproaches of my parents, it is said that in those circumstances are in the Child ego state). The model of edll'Io been used to understand aspects of the personality of an individual through the Structural Analysis Structural analysis is the process of analysis of personality in terms of content of ego states. The functional analysis is instead a model that allows us to understand "the process", ie how the work ego states.


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