Monday, February 7, 2011

Best Straightener World

Egypt shows the chest and the police shot him (video) EXCLUSIVE

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"Do not worry, the Inquisition or the Nazis were just a bad dream, a nightmare and presumably for some this would be the right moment in history to re-propose its most noble aspect which the civic hygiene, one that took care of the minds and souls and this is well known, starts from the books! Add a comment laconic, a trivial finding, if this is not the most vile and despicable attack on democracy and culture what it is? They have passed happily by Baptists in Saviano and you know why? Why are the voices that were raised to stigmatize this fact first of all we have received from abroad, we have no choir tore his clothes, all addicted to the disgusting, ugly thing good habits, I mean the ones that make me more sick that allow them to speak, those who sympathize with them, tolerate them, they should know, living in this civil-we are ruining and perhaps it is already too late ... me tell you ... "

TREVISO (23 January) - "The choice of the junta-led League of Preganziol the book" Gomorra "Roberto Saviano
Saviano removed from the shelves of a public library: a comprehensible or unacceptable behavior?
Vote poll seems that the directors consider that
books Saviano
are not worthy to remain in the library, after which the writer denounced during the television Rai 3 "Come away with me that the mob broke in with the League.
The culture, Roberto Zamberlan
, however, falls from thunderstorms. "Of television interview thing I do not know anything.
can assure you that the book "Gomorra" in December was loaned . I also promised myself to read it. And I can certainly say that he had shared what Saviano said during the program, but is different from withdrawing a book from the library. I remember that the regional minister Elena Donazzan recently criticized the stance of some intellectuals, including Roberto Saviano, in favor of the terrorist Cesare Battisti. Location unacceptable and indefensible from every point of view. And if the political opposition - adds Zamberlan - wants to make political controversy at all costs, is free to do so. But in the end the truth will surface. Monday will explain everything when
reopen the public library. "
For the former mayor of Preganziol Franco Zanata and current city councilor "Preganziol Together" things are different. "The withdrawal of the book Gomorrah - Zanata says - not born from Battisti case and statements of the Regional Donazzan, but long before that is from the TV show" Come away with me ". Administrators do not want to admit because it is very embarrassing politically. It is an ugly page in history Preganziol policy. "

of Nicola De Rossi VENICE (Jan. 16) - Via library books and works of writers who have "signed for the murderess." The initiative to boycott civil to all men of letters in 2004, when he was arrested in France, signed a petition for the release of Cesare Battisti , was launched yesterday in Martock by an adviser of the PDL, Paris Costa, and by a citizen, Roberto Bovo. But was quickly married the Councillor alla Cultura della Provincia di Venezia con delega alle Biblioteche, Raffaele Speranzon, has continued leggere ....


Inquisition modern libraries Venetian purged of pro-Battisti
Speranzon Raffaele, provincial councilor of the party of Berlusconi (PDL) and delegate to culture of Veneto (Venice Region) has announced that he would ask all libraries to remove from their shelves the books of writers who signed a 2004 petition for Cesare Battisti.

Corriere del Veneto cites the names of
Tiziano Scarpa, who had the equivalent of the Goncourt, the philosopher Giorgio Agambem, Valerio Evanglisti, Sandrone Dazieri, Massimo Carlotto and Pino Cacucci.
"Obviously we will not request the withdrawal of the rays of the authors who will or have distanced themselves from the list of supporters of Battisti. "
Thus, fishermen still have the option to repent ...

Italy has other worries which has a bit in Italy followed the recent media and political turmoil following the decision Lula to refuse extradition will not fail to be struck by the gap between the usual indignant statements of policies (right and left institutional) and editorialists, firstly, and secondly the reaction the real country.
agreements Fiat

In addition, as shown by a press review site CarmillaOnline, many voices of dissent from the consensus hate have been heard, not only on the Internet.
Finally, contrary to what has been told this or that French media, it is not all of Italy who came to protest under the windows of the Brazilian Embassy in Rome and the Consulate in Milan. All in all, a few hundred people
. In a country accustomed to demonstrations ocean, was a stinging disavowal campaign of hate.
One would be tempted to take lightly such initiatives: for example, in my case, I can note with pride that the six named authors, I have translated and / or published a half and, with disappointment, that my name is not there, then I signed and I'm published Italy. Blacklists in Europe?
Especially in the face of fascist idiocy, it is as helpless: the enormity of some silly statements could leave without voting. It's so stupid that we only want to shrug and think about something else. But these outrageous and idiotic that have very real effects. If left to spread the thought (not to mention the actual practice) that blacklists could be formally drawn up for refusing to surrender to the dictatorship of grief, for non-compliance with the dominant view of that aspect of the past or in such court case, then yields to a conception of society closer to Ben Ali's Tunisia's only one perfect Enlightenment Europe and resistance. Fortunately, recent history shows that small and big Ben Ali, in the end does not always win.


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