Saturday, March 1, 2008

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The theoretical and philosophical principles of TA positions

Everyone is okay, (okay it is): People are equal to each other and each has value as a person, regardless of his race and his socio-cultural context.
Every person has the ability to think and self-determination: that everyone can decide what to do with his life and has the ability to grow and learn, has had any experience, even negative.
The decisions can be changed. Each person makes decisions and is responsible for, and is also responsible for changing them when no longer functional.

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Berne According to the child, early in the process of formation of the Script (10 years), has already taken some onvinzioni on himself. on the other and the world. Such beliefs can be summarized as follows:

1 - I'm ok-you're ok (I'm going well, and the others and the world around me)

2-I am not ok-you are ok (devaluing position than himself)

3 - I'm ok-you are not ok (devaluation of others)

4 - I'm not ok, you're not ok (the position is: "there is no nothing to do ")

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When the contents of two ego states is mixed, or one person can not enter or exit an ego state we are talking about structural pathology. There are two types of structural pathology: the contamination exclusion

Contamination: a State invades the ego's boundaries. We distinguish the contamination of the parent (G invades A) of the Child (B invades A), and the double-contamination (the person repeats a slogan that adapts parental belief as a child and both mistakes for reality. The content of contamination is to double in the convictions of the script, that is wrong and distorted beliefs about self, others and the world).

Disclaimer: The person completely rule out an ego state (G, A, or B)

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Everyone costruicse Copycat on the basis of their messages, npon verbal and verbal, received from parents and then from the context. There are the

counterinjunction and injunctions. The
counterinjunction: GG verbal messages, commands about how to do things.


be perfect - be strong

- tried

- trying to please

- hurry
injunctions: messages are pre-verbal, given by parents at very young child. Usually counterinjunction hide orders.


not exist - do not be yourself

- not a child

- not being able crescerenon

- not (do nothing)

- not important


not belong - not to engage in intimacy

- not look good (not to be sane)


not think - do not feel

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Copycat model of ego states in transactional analysis

A Member Ego is a collection of thoughts, behaviors and emotions interconnected through which each of us manifests an aspect of their personality in a given momento.Tre are Ego States according to the AT:

1 - Parent ego-state (G): 's set of behaviors, thoughts and emotions that manifest at a given time, copied from our parents. (If, for example. In certain circumstances, I tend to worry about the other showing a protective behavior, as well as my parents were with me as a child, it is said that in such circumstances "are in a Parent ego state).

2 - Adult ego-state (A): together on the behaviors, and emotions peniseri that manifest in relation to what is happening around us in the here and now, using the resources available to such adults.

3 - Child ego state (B): the set of behaviors, thoughts and emotions that we used when we were kids and now re-use by adults. (If, for example. I cry in front of the reproach of my employer for a delay, just like I did as a child in front of the reproaches of my parents, it is said that in those circumstances are in the Child ego state). The model of edll'Io been used to understand aspects of the personality of an individual through the Structural Analysis Structural analysis is the process of analysis of personality in terms of content of ego states. The functional analysis is instead a model that allows us to understand "the process", ie how the work ego states.

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Diagnosis ATSecondo in Berne, the founder of transactional analysis, there are 4 ways to recognize which ego state the person is at any given time 1 - Diagnosis of Conduct: the currency in which ego state is the person in relation to the behavior observed manifestatoe through words, tone of voice, gestures, facial expressions, attitudes corpo.2-Social Diagnosis: based on the assumption that others often are related to us from an ego state that is complementary to that in which we find ourselves. Then observe the state of the ego from which the other can react to speculate on the ego state in which I am .... and vice versa. For example, if I tend to relate to a person from my Parent ego state, we can assume that the other reports to me from the Child ego state. 3 - Historical Diagnosis: is made by the person on his interview with the parent figures and makes it possible to test our impression of his ego states from a structurally and funzionale.Diagnosi Phenomenology: the person is invited to relive a scene from his past that re-experiencing an ego state in all its intensity.

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It has a transaction when there is an exchange of communication (stimulation and response) between two or more distinguish three types of transactions: 1 - Additional Transactions: the ego state that we are addressing it will react. For example, if I make the other person a question from my adult ego state (what time is it?) And the other answers me by the Adult ego state (they are 2) the transaction is said to complement. If I send a stimulus from the parent ego state (you're late ... woe to you if you do it again!) and the other responds Child ego state (crying), the transaction is also complementary. My incentive is GB (from my Parent to Ambin the other), the answer is BG (from the other person's child to my parents). In this way the communication can continue indefinitely (1 st rule of communication) .2 - cross transactions: the ego state in which the stimulus is not sending the same one that sends the response. For example, if I blame the other from my Parent ego-state (you're late ... woe to you if you do it again!), And the other responds by Adult ego-state (I'm sorry, unfortunately I was unable to arrive before ...), there is a crossed transaction: I sent a stimulus GB (from my direct parent to the child of the other person) and the other crossed the transaction, he said that is a message from his direct my Adult Adult (Transaction AA). When a transaction is cross-communication breaks down and must be restored so that it can HCE one or both of those ego-state change (2 nd communication rules) .3 - additional transactions: two messages are sent at the same time. One is a clear message, the other is a psychological message implied. The ytransazioni further divided into: two additional transaction (AA a social message is superimposed on a psychological message between B and G, or B and B or between G and G) further angular transaction (sending a stimulus at HCE is explicit manifetso AA but my message is from my psychological adult child of the other persona.L 'behavioral outcome in terms of a transaction is determined to further psychological level and not in explicit manifesto.