a pharmacologist and toxicologist sull'OmeopatiaDottor Roberto Gava, specializing in cardiology, clinical pharmacology and medical toxicology From the book "Methodological Approach to Homeopathy "
Q: Many argue that homeopathic remedies are comparable to 'fresh water and therefore act only as a placebo. A: When I discovered the existence of homeopathy, my first concern was to prove to myself that it was a hoax. The felt on me then, then small children, and lastly the animals. With these last two tests I wanted to rule out any placebo effect: the newborn and the animal, in fact, do not know if they are receiving a medicine or a piece of candy or any food. The experiment on myself, however, was what struck me most. The first dose was assumed that homeopathic Tubercolinum 20oC. I still remember that beautiful August day when my very normal state of health was completely shattered in a few hours, I was very uncomfortable with a fever un'astenia so intense that I stayed three days going from one bed to lay down, almost without capacity and desire to do any action (I know myself well enough to know how difficult it is to keep me both physically and mentally even stop for 3 days!). Symptoms that was surely not a placebo effect, because I had not sought, I knew it would not pop, not wanted and I was using, even unnecessarily, all my will power to remove him ... because I did not want to admit to myself that everything depended on the assumption of a few grains of lactose that was previously bathed in a solution of water and ethanol molecules because it was free to diluitofino 10-400. To all those who want to express an opinion on homeopathy I would ask first if you have never experienced or at least seriously studied in detail. If you have never head or other person, the court loses its meaning and interest, because it is not an opinion but an 'injury', that is an opinion given by one who is not in condition to be able to give.
Q: Yet, today there are many university professors who speak negatively against homeopathy: The fact that one is a university lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine or any other branch of science does not mean that it is always able to make judgments correct. Indeed, the higher the position in the hierarchy the more you run the risk of being tempted by the presumption of knowledge. University professors are among the many intelligent people, but not always the intelligence does not coincide with the wisdom of the truly wise can be recognized very easily, because they stand in humility and know when and how to express themselves without err dramatically and this regardless of their specific knowledge the topic in question. However, the opinion of one or more human or even of all men in the world does not change the truth of reality: if a truth is this, can not be changed by human judgments.
Q: What is the essence of the homeopathic method Hahnemann? A: Hahnemann tried to develop a therapeutic method that would give the physician the possibility of increasing the body's vital energy (the force, that is, which is capable of acting in a certain person and the child's face any adverse condition in the best way only possible for her) taking into account all the minimal distinction between the patients and among the remedies (only way to customize the therapy). Hahnemann founded this method on three rules:
a) Limitation of remedies under the law of similars. b) Administration of a low dose. c) Administration of one remedy at a time.
Prescribing according to the law of similar meaning, as we have said, choose the remedy under the totality of the symptoms of the patient (or at least according to the symptoms most unique, unusual, distinctive and surprising, as Hahnemann said). Administer the remedy in doses weight involved a worsening of the symptoms of the patient, but Hahnemann discovered that you could solve this problem by giving the medicine in very diluted form, an approach that, among other things, turned out to be very effective and powerful from the therapeutic point of view. The rule instead of administering only one remedy at a time was based on the fact that, since the experiments are made with only a substance, it is neither correct nor collect data in a scientific way and use them in another, and perhaps would not even be correct do experiments with two or more remedies together or administered at different times, as that would introduce other variables (ie, elements having an effect not known), while the purpose of Hahnemann was precisely to eliminate the questionable procedures Medicine and uncertain. Today, however, compared to this initial setting very precise and rigorous, are born different ways to set up a homeopathic treatment.
Q: How are the remedies Homeopathic? A: Homeopathic remedies are about 3,500, but only 500-600 of these are well known: we know very little of others, because they have been little tested in healthy subjects. All these remedies are substances belonging to the vegetable, mineral or animal. In fact, any substance can be used as a homeopathic remedy, if properly diluted, and experienced potentised in healthy people.
Q: What is the difference between dilution and dynamization? A: The main difference, so that a dilute solution without potentised forser not get any homeopathic remedy, but only a dilution therapeutically ineffective or poorly effective. While dilution is the operation of referred to a substance, it adds another (inert) to reduce the concentration, Boosting is the process that is to be followed by a defined number of each dilution succussions or agitation of the container. Succussion with the energy of the small active part of the solution (solute) is transmitted to the remainder of the solution (solvent). At the same dilution, the greater the number of succussions and more seems to be the power of the homeopathic solution (we recommend a minimum of 20 succussions for each dilution, but it would be preferable to reach 100).
Q: What is the best way to shake the bottle of the homeopathic solution? A: Hahnemann kept the bottle in his hand and slammed against a book (think maybe the Holy Bible) on the table. In addition to this system, you can also beat his fist against the palm of the hand or against your thigh while the leg is held slightly 'raised from the ground. Obviously, these are succussions craft, because they use the Companies homeopathic mechanical agitators to prepare solutions, but the end result does not change, because the clinical efficacy of the two systems of preparation is similar.
D: Homeopathic remedies have a shelf life? A: Yes, all homeopathic preparations have an expiration date printed on the package. but this date has a value only bureaucratic-business (apart from being imposed by the Ministry of Health as happens for every medicinal, it is also desired by manufacturers since through it many inexperienced consumers no longer use the product after the expiration date, and tend to throw it and buy a new one). In fact, homeopathic products have no expiry date. Were tested by the same solutions used homeopathic Hahnemann 200 years ago and have been found fully effective. The only recommendation, if it is a homeopathic remedy in solution, is slamming the bottle well before pouring the drops.
Q: Can I give practical advice to save with Homeopathy? A: He who wishes to be cured with Homeopathy can definitely make good use of some small details that can save you money. It must be remembered mainly two things: that the homeopathic remedy: a
- was obtained by the method of dilution in water-alcohol solution, b - with the exception of low Dynamics (under 9-15CH), is essentially a stimulus energy (or more precisely electromagnetic) that is given to the body.
The consequence of this first point is that he is about to finish a bottle of a homeopathic solution you can reproduce the product 'in house' without having to repurchase. It 'just take a bit' of the initial solution (enough to have just 2-3 drops or the inside of the container a bit 'wet by the liquid medicated), and add alcohol at 20-30 ° to fill the bottle to 80% (an area of \u200b\u200bat least 20% is necessary to allow the liquid to be well shaken by succussions). After filling, in fact, must beat the bottle well (it's the most important requirement): Board to keep the bottle in his hand and slamming his fist hard against the palm of the hand. In theory 10-20 succussions enough, but the first time the Board of slamming at least 100 times, because the more the remedy is shaken to its greater potency. At the end of this work, however, very simple, you get a solution practically the same (just a little 'more diluted and dynamization) that we had run out and then the same as who would buy the product at the pharmacy.
Q: You have to have some special precautions to prepare at home this homeopathic solution? A: In addition to what was just said you can add three more tips:
a - All the bottles used for containing the homeopathic solution or those used for water-alcohol solution must be perfectly sterile. So either you buy new bottles each time (found in pharmacies or health shops) and wash well before using, or you reuse those of other homeopathic products, but only after being well washed in running water and boiled them for a while, because even minute traces of other substances interfere with the homeopathic product altering the therapeutic effect. Washing in running water (I recommend that it is only water, no detergent of any kind) is used to remove the material part of the substance previously contained in the bottle and remained adherent to the walls, while the boiling is used to cancel the electromagnetic track of the same substance that pollute what we want to prepare.
b - If you do not use the vial of homeopathic product you want to prepare more original and Dynamics of the remedy, I suggest you buy in 20 ml glass bottles with glass dropper inserted in the cap (I recommend that there is no plastic in the long run because they pollute solution) or of glass tubes 10 ml with stopper (this can also be plastic because it is in continuous contact with the solution) or you reuse those of other homeopathic products, but only after they have been treated as described above.
c - Remember that the more dynamic every homeopathic product acquires a greater power, and if the dilution was performed with the proportion of 1% (1 part of the initial solution and 99 parts of water-alcohol solution), the remedy will be obtained 1ch more. So if before we had a remedy for the 30C, now we have to 31ch. This change does not alter the therapeutic effect, even desirable.
Q: What if the remedy is not an original unit? A: If you want to restore a homeopathic solution consists of a mixture of remedies (the so-called 'complex homeopathy') we must remember not to dilute it too much, because there is a risk of losing the therapeutic effect. In fact, the more you dilute the remedy, the more you miss the most is the local action and strengthens its deep action, but action (the deep) that is expressed only in people sensitive to that product in compliance with the law of similarity (if There is a similarity between the person and the remedy, the latter can take care of first, but if this similarity is lacking, lacking even the therapeutic effect). Therefore, further diluting the complex homeopathic you may lose their effect symptomatic (that is the only one who can give).
Q: Where can I buy or how to prepare the water-alcohol solution? A: Ethyl alcohol 30 '(ie 30%) has a strength sufficient standard to allow a good maintenance product, but if the solution should be used by a child can very well use alcohol at 10 ° or even just water (if you think that the solution should not be stored for more than 6-7 days). These alcoholic solutions can be purchased at any pharmacy, but wanting to save more, especially if you think you still use copper and therefore require larger quantities, you can buy a bottle of ethyl alcohol 95 ° (found in grocery stores or supermarkets) and is prepared from time to time the preferred quantity of water-alcohol solution as follows: to obtain a solution at about 30 ° mix 3 parts of absolute alcohol (95 °) and 7 parts of water, but if you want prepare a water-alcohol solution at about 10 ° just put 1 part alcohol 95 ° and 9 parts water. In theory, the water should be distilled or deionized, but if you do not pretend to prepare many progressive dilutions. even just the common natural water.
Q: So far it has been explained how to prepare at home a homeopathic solution from a liquid product. But how must a person who has the product in grains? A. It 's very simple. Just put 3 grains about 20 large or small grains (those of single-dose) in a 20-30 ml sterile bottle with a little 'water and allow to melt (lactose grains dissolve easily in water, and melt slowly, hardly water-alcohol solutions , especially if concentrated). When the grains were dissolved, the alcohol is added at 30 ° and slams the bottle well for about 100 times. In this way you get a homeopathic remedy exactly equal to that which would be purchased in pharmacies. Boosting is about 1 unit greater than that which had the grains used.
Q: Going back to saving tips with Homeopathy, you can add anything else? A: Because the homeopathic remedy is essentially stimulus energy, because energy is relatively affected by the amount of substrate that carries the energy information and because of even a single grain is conveyed to all the water in which it is dissolved, I think it can also save on the number grain that is usually administered with each dose. There are homeopaths who are used to recommend the oral administration of two grains at a time, others suggest that 3 grains and more 5 or more grains. As for the globulins of single-dose tubes, some homeopaths recommend the whole tube as a single dose, others suggest a small part time. In conclusion, I believe that given 2 or 10 large beads, or 30 or 200 small globulins not significantly alter the final result (with the exception of hypersensitive individuals) and I believe also that the same applies for the drops: give 5 or 30 give, usually, does not change much. As we have said, what really matters for therapeutic purposes is possibly a repetition of the administration, more than the amount thereof. However, since it is also important to have a minimum of 'exchange surface', including homeopathic remedy and recipient organism, if the number of grains is too low and the patient is not a small child, to ensure and thereby to enhance the therapeutic effect can be very useful to dissolve the grains in a little 'small sips of water and drink it: every sip will effect about 3 grains.
Q: So what is the dosage most correct? A: All these doses are fine and are justified by the intent that the homeopath wants to reach and characteristics of the patient. Remains valid because it was just stated above, namely that what matters most is the number of doses. For example, if an acute disease in the doctor recommended to take a product 5 times a day. You can choose between two options: to
- take a minimum of 2-3 grains at a time for 5 times a day, or b
- to 3 grains in half a glass of water, let dissolve and mix thoroughly with an object metal (or transfer water from a glass to another water spilling from the top to shake) and then take the solution in 5 daily doses, even better if you top up from time to time with the new water party who is drunk (in order to vary more the dilution medicamentosa). This system, which was practiced by the masters of the past is surely the most logical, the more correct (because, as recommended by Hahnemann. Allows you to repeat the dose by changing a bit 'dilution), and is also the most effective and cheaper (because it consumes a very small number of grains). The water in which they were loose grains can also be used for 2-3 days, if you have care to shake well before each dose.
Dr. Roberto Gava, specializing in cardiology, clinical pharmacology and medical toxicology. From the book "Methodological Approach to Homeopathy "
Q: Many argue that homeopathic remedies are comparable to 'fresh water and therefore act only as a placebo. A: When I discovered the existence of homeopathy, my first concern was to prove to myself that it was a hoax. The felt on me then, then small children, and lastly the animals. With these last two tests I wanted to rule out any placebo effect: the newborn and the animal, in fact, do not know if they are receiving a medicine or a piece of candy or any food. The experiment on myself, however, was what struck me most. The first dose was assumed that homeopathic Tubercolinum 20oC. I still remember that beautiful August day when my very normal state of health was completely shattered in a few hours, I was very uncomfortable with a fever un'astenia so intense that I stayed three days going from one bed to lay down, almost without capacity and desire to do any action (I know myself well enough to know how difficult it is to keep me both physically and mentally even stop for 3 days!). Symptoms that was surely not a placebo effect, because I had not sought, I knew it would not pop, not wanted and I was using, even unnecessarily, all my will power to remove him ... because I did not want to admit to myself that everything depended on the assumption of a few grains of lactose that was previously bathed in a solution of water and ethanol molecules because it was free to diluitofino 10-400. To all those who want to express an opinion on homeopathy I would ask first if you have never experienced or at least seriously studied in detail. If you have never head or other person, the court loses its meaning and interest, because it is not an opinion but an 'injury', that is an opinion given by one who is not in condition to be able to give.
Q: Yet, today there are many university professors who speak negatively against homeopathy: The fact that one is a university lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine or any other branch of science does not mean that it is always able to make judgments correct. Indeed, the higher the position in the hierarchy the more you run the risk of being tempted by the presumption of knowledge. University professors are among the many intelligent people, but not always the intelligence does not coincide with the wisdom of the truly wise can be recognized very easily, because they stand in humility and know when and how to express themselves without err dramatically and this regardless of their specific knowledge the topic in question. However, the opinion of one or more human or even of all men in the world does not change the truth of reality: if a truth is this, can not be changed by human judgments.
Q: What is the essence of the homeopathic method Hahnemann? A: Hahnemann tried to develop a therapeutic method that would give the physician the possibility of increasing the body's vital energy (the force, that is, which is capable of acting in a certain person and the child's face any adverse condition in the best way only possible for her) taking into account all the minimal distinction between the patients and among the remedies (only way to customize the therapy). Hahnemann founded this method on three rules:
a) Limitation of remedies under the law of similars. b) Administration of a low dose. c) Administration of one remedy at a time.
Prescribing according to the law of similar meaning, as we have said, choose the remedy under the totality of the symptoms of the patient (or at least according to the symptoms most unique, unusual, distinctive and surprising, as Hahnemann said). Administer the remedy in doses weight involved a worsening of the symptoms of the patient, but Hahnemann discovered that you could solve this problem by giving the medicine in very diluted form, an approach that, among other things, turned out to be very effective and powerful from the therapeutic point of view. The rule instead of administering only one remedy at a time was based on the fact that, since the experiments are made with only a substance, it is neither correct nor collect data in a scientific way and use them in another, and perhaps would not even be correct do experiments with two or more remedies together or administered at different times, as that would introduce other variables (ie, elements having an effect not known), while the purpose of Hahnemann was precisely to eliminate the questionable procedures Medicine and uncertain. Today, however, compared to this initial setting very precise and rigorous, are born different ways to set up a homeopathic treatment.
Q: How are the remedies Homeopathic? A: Homeopathic remedies are about 3,500, but only 500-600 of these are well known: we know very little of others, because they have been little tested in healthy subjects. All these remedies are substances belonging to the vegetable, mineral or animal. In fact, any substance can be used as a homeopathic remedy, if properly diluted, and experienced potentised in healthy people.
Q: What is the difference between dilution and dynamization? A: The main difference, so that a dilute solution without potentised forser not get any homeopathic remedy, but only a dilution therapeutically ineffective or poorly effective. While dilution is the operation of referred to a substance, it adds another (inert) to reduce the concentration, Boosting is the process that is to be followed by a defined number of each dilution succussions or agitation of the container. Succussion with the energy of the small active part of the solution (solute) is transmitted to the remainder of the solution (solvent). At the same dilution, the greater the number of succussions and more seems to be the power of the homeopathic solution (we recommend a minimum of 20 succussions for each dilution, but it would be preferable to reach 100).
Q: What is the best way to shake the bottle of the homeopathic solution? A: Hahnemann kept the bottle in his hand and slammed against a book (think maybe the Holy Bible) on the table. In addition to this system, you can also beat his fist against the palm of the hand or against your thigh while the leg is held slightly 'raised from the ground. Obviously, these are succussions craft, because they use the Companies homeopathic mechanical agitators to prepare solutions, but the end result does not change, because the clinical efficacy of the two systems of preparation is similar.
D: Homeopathic remedies have a shelf life? A: Yes, all homeopathic preparations have an expiration date printed on the package. but this date has a value only bureaucratic-business (apart from being imposed by the Ministry of Health as happens for every medicinal, it is also desired by manufacturers since through it many inexperienced consumers no longer use the product after the expiration date, and tend to throw it and buy a new one). In fact, homeopathic products have no expiry date. Were tested by the same solutions used homeopathic Hahnemann 200 years ago and have been found fully effective. The only recommendation, if it is a homeopathic remedy in solution, is slamming the bottle well before pouring the drops.
Q: Can I give practical advice to save with Homeopathy? A: He who wishes to be cured with Homeopathy can definitely make good use of some small details that can save you money. It must be remembered mainly two things: that the homeopathic remedy: a
- was obtained by the method of dilution in water-alcohol solution, b - with the exception of low Dynamics (under 9-15CH), is essentially a stimulus energy (or more precisely electromagnetic) that is given to the body.
The consequence of this first point is that he is about to finish a bottle of a homeopathic solution you can reproduce the product 'in house' without having to repurchase. It 'just take a bit' of the initial solution (enough to have just 2-3 drops or the inside of the container a bit 'wet by the liquid medicated), and add alcohol at 20-30 ° to fill the bottle to 80% (an area of \u200b\u200bat least 20% is necessary to allow the liquid to be well shaken by succussions). After filling, in fact, must beat the bottle well (it's the most important requirement): Board to keep the bottle in his hand and slamming his fist hard against the palm of the hand. In theory 10-20 succussions enough, but the first time the Board of slamming at least 100 times, because the more the remedy is shaken to its greater potency. At the end of this work, however, very simple, you get a solution practically the same (just a little 'more diluted and dynamization) that we had run out and then the same as who would buy the product at the pharmacy.
Q: You have to have some special precautions to prepare at home this homeopathic solution? A: In addition to what was just said you can add three more tips:
a - All the bottles used for containing the homeopathic solution or those used for water-alcohol solution must be perfectly sterile. So either you buy new bottles each time (found in pharmacies or health shops) and wash well before using, or you reuse those of other homeopathic products, but only after being well washed in running water and boiled them for a while, because even minute traces of other substances interfere with the homeopathic product altering the therapeutic effect. Washing in running water (I recommend that it is only water, no detergent of any kind) is used to remove the material part of the substance previously contained in the bottle and remained adherent to the walls, while the boiling is used to cancel the electromagnetic track of the same substance that pollute what we want to prepare.
b - If you do not use the vial of homeopathic product you want to prepare more original and Dynamics of the remedy, I suggest you buy in 20 ml glass bottles with glass dropper inserted in the cap (I recommend that there is no plastic in the long run because they pollute solution) or of glass tubes 10 ml with stopper (this can also be plastic because it is in continuous contact with the solution) or you reuse those of other homeopathic products, but only after they have been treated as described above.
c - Remember that the more dynamic every homeopathic product acquires a greater power, and if the dilution was performed with the proportion of 1% (1 part of the initial solution and 99 parts of water-alcohol solution), the remedy will be obtained 1ch more. So if before we had a remedy for the 30C, now we have to 31ch. This change does not alter the therapeutic effect, even desirable.
Q: What if the remedy is not an original unit? A: If you want to restore a homeopathic solution consists of a mixture of remedies (the so-called 'complex homeopathy') we must remember not to dilute it too much, because there is a risk of losing the therapeutic effect. In fact, the more you dilute the remedy, the more you miss the most is the local action and strengthens its deep action, but action (the deep) that is expressed only in people sensitive to that product in compliance with the law of similarity (if There is a similarity between the person and the remedy, the latter can take care of first, but if this similarity is lacking, lacking even the therapeutic effect). Therefore, further diluting the complex homeopathic you may lose their effect symptomatic (that is the only one who can give).
Q: Where can I buy or how to prepare the water-alcohol solution? A: Ethyl alcohol 30 '(ie 30%) has a strength sufficient standard to allow a good maintenance product, but if the solution should be used by a child can very well use alcohol at 10 ° or even just water (if you think that the solution should not be stored for more than 6-7 days). These alcoholic solutions can be purchased at any pharmacy, but wanting to save more, especially if you think you still use copper and therefore require larger quantities, you can buy a bottle of ethyl alcohol 95 ° (found in grocery stores or supermarkets) and is prepared from time to time the preferred quantity of water-alcohol solution as follows: to obtain a solution at about 30 ° mix 3 parts of absolute alcohol (95 °) and 7 parts of water, but if you want prepare a water-alcohol solution at about 10 ° just put 1 part alcohol 95 ° and 9 parts water. In theory, the water should be distilled or deionized, but if you do not pretend to prepare many progressive dilutions. even just the common natural water.
Q: So far it has been explained how to prepare at home a homeopathic solution from a liquid product. But how must a person who has the product in grains? A. It 's very simple. Just put 3 grains about 20 large or small grains (those of single-dose) in a 20-30 ml sterile bottle with a little 'water and allow to melt (lactose grains dissolve easily in water, and melt slowly, hardly water-alcohol solutions , especially if concentrated). When the grains were dissolved, the alcohol is added at 30 ° and slams the bottle well for about 100 times. In this way you get a homeopathic remedy exactly equal to that which would be purchased in pharmacies. Boosting is about 1 unit greater than that which had the grains used.
Q: Going back to saving tips with Homeopathy, you can add anything else? A: Because the homeopathic remedy is essentially stimulus energy, because energy is relatively affected by the amount of substrate that carries the energy information and because of even a single grain is conveyed to all the water in which it is dissolved, I think it can also save on the number grain that is usually administered with each dose. There are homeopaths who are used to recommend the oral administration of two grains at a time, others suggest that 3 grains and more 5 or more grains. As for the globulins of single-dose tubes, some homeopaths recommend the whole tube as a single dose, others suggest a small part time. In conclusion, I believe that given 2 or 10 large beads, or 30 or 200 small globulins not significantly alter the final result (with the exception of hypersensitive individuals) and I believe also that the same applies for the drops: give 5 or 30 give, usually, does not change much. As we have said, what really matters for therapeutic purposes is possibly a repetition of the administration, more than the amount thereof. However, since it is also important to have a minimum of 'exchange surface', including homeopathic remedy and recipient organism, if the number of grains is too low and the patient is not a small child, to ensure and thereby to enhance the therapeutic effect can be very useful to dissolve the grains in a little 'small sips of water and drink it: every sip will effect about 3 grains.
Q: So what is the dosage most correct? A: All these doses are fine and are justified by the intent that the homeopath wants to reach and characteristics of the patient. Remains valid because it was just stated above, namely that what matters most is the number of doses. For example, if an acute disease in the doctor recommended to take a product 5 times a day. You can choose between two options: to
- take a minimum of 2-3 grains at a time for 5 times a day, or b
- to 3 grains in half a glass of water, let dissolve and mix thoroughly with an object metal (or transfer water from a glass to another water spilling from the top to shake) and then take the solution in 5 daily doses, even better if you top up from time to time with the new water party who is drunk (in order to vary more the dilution medicamentosa). This system, which was practiced by the masters of the past is surely the most logical, the more correct (because, as recommended by Hahnemann. Allows you to repeat the dose by changing a bit 'dilution), and is also the most effective and cheaper (because it consumes a very small number of grains). The water in which they were loose grains can also be used for 2-3 days, if you have care to shake well before each dose.
Dr. Roberto Gava, specializing in cardiology, clinical pharmacology and medical toxicology. From the book "Methodological Approach to Homeopathy "